Year: 2020 | Month: June and December | Volume 10 | Issue 1and2

Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance of University Students-A Field Survey of Academic Development

V. Sithartha Sankar B. Pushpa


In the current world, the internet has become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. In the field of education too, the internet is being used widely. But, on the contrary, there are people and even teenagers who use the internet only for communicating with others through social networks. It is a real fact that the internet is a boon in technological development, but when the social networks are considered, they are becoming a curse for the younger generation in the past years. This is an attempt to examine the effect of social media on the academic life of students through this study. Annamalai University students were used as the sample population of the study. The technique adopted to select the sample was convenient sampling and the sample size was 100. The data collected was analyzed with the help of regression. 48% of the variance regarding the academic performance is accounted for by the statements of social media according to the findings of the study. There is a significant connection among social media and academic performance, as the result explains.

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